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Accessories (1)
Découvrez notre gamme d’accessoires de tabac chauffé pour IQOS ILUMA en vente sur Magasinez maintenant!
[{"id":"6360","name":"IQOS ILUMA Prime Manchon","price":17,"amount":"0","img":"https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/24\/Blue_cnur-q1.png","desc":"<style>\r\n .link{\r\n color:#0645AD; \r\n font-weight:700;\r\n }\r\n<\/style>\r\nLes manchons en silicone \u00e0 texture dure prot\u00e8gent votre appareil des chocs et des rayures. Offerts en 4couleurs vives, ils sont parfaits pour \u00eatre combin\u00e9s avec les manchons et compl\u00e9ter la personnalisation de l\u2019appareil. ","variant":[{"variant_id":0,"current_variant_id":"7088","option_id":"1264","hexcode":"#8dd0f1","name":"Bleu Lac","image_path":"https:\/\/\/images\/variant_image\/24\/Blue.png","stock":"In Stock"},{"variant_id":1,"current_variant_id":"7089","option_id":"1264","hexcode":"#E46E6C","name":"Corail Brillant","image_path":"https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/24\/Blue_cnur-q1.png","stock":"In Stock"},{"variant_id":2,"current_variant_id":"7090","option_id":"1264","hexcode":"#D8D02B","name":"Jaune Citron","image_path":"https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/24\/Blue_cnur-q1.png","stock":"In Stock"},{"variant_id":3,"current_variant_id":"7091","option_id":"1264","hexcode":"#34303D","name":"Noir Obsidienne","image_path":"https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/24\/Blue_cnur-q1.png","stock":"In Stock"}]}]
Array ( [0] => Array ( [product_id] => 6360 [product_code] => DE000751.00 [product_type] => U [status] => A [company_id] => 20 [list_price] => 0 [amount] => 0 [weight] => 0.00 [length] => 0 [width] => 0 [height] => 0 [shipping_freight] => 0.00 [low_avail_limit] => 0 [timestamp] => 1693378800 [updated_timestamp] => 1733153300 [usergroup_ids] => 1 [tracking] => O [free_shipping] => N [feature_comparison] => N [zero_price_action] => R [is_pbp] => N [is_op] => N [is_oper] => N [is_returnable] => Y [return_period] => 365 [avail_since] => 0 [out_of_stock_actions] => N [localization] => [min_qty] => 0 [max_qty] => 0 [qty_step] => 0 [list_qty_count] => 0 [tax_ids] => 32 [age_verification] => N [age_limit] => 0 [options_type] => S [exceptions_type] => A [details_layout] => default [shipping_params] => a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;} [buy_now_url] => [facebook_obj_type] => [hypercare] => N [udd_product_code] => DE000751.00 [simple_replacement] => N [id_code] => [hide_details_page] => 0 [gtin] => [uom] => PCE [maktx] => [con_spp] => 0 [con_ppb] => 0 [piece] => 0 [available_for_survey] => N [uddapi_product_code] => [subscribable] => 0 [simple_return] => N [hide_price] => N [block_ordering] => N [delete_recursively_required_products] => N [limit_per_customer] => 0 [restrict_to_api_usage_only] => N [restrict_details_guest] => N [required_promotion] => 0 [ten_days_money_back] => N [eligible_to_replace] => N [page_not_indexed] => N [exclude_from_abandoned_cart_notification] => N [replacement_product] => N [in_pos_stock] => N [require_codentify_for_shipping] => N [bundle_image] => N [allow_request_order] => N [add_parent_product_to_basket] => N [additional_product_button] => N [additional_product_button_name] => [additional_product_button_url] => [is_lending] => N [is_lending_fee] => N [is_voucher] => N [platform_type] => [inventory_image] => N [block_changing_variants_in_the_cart] => N [aams] => [product_sale_type] => S [promotions_not_valid] => [show_discount_old_price] => Y [publish_on_a_period] => N [publish_period_start_date] => 1693378800 [publish_period_end_date] => 1693378800 [sorting_priority] => 0 [taxable_unit] => 0.00 [created_at] => 2023-09-01 16:24:29 [updated_at] => 2024-12-02 15:28:20 [allow_preorder] => N [available_date] => 0 [preorder_stock] => 0 [branding] => [show_compatible_info] => N [buy_now] => N [nicotine_level] => 0.00 [show_suspector_legal_warning] => N [recycling_bag] => N [is_user_verified_hide_overlay] => Y [main_image_in_carousel] => N [product_brand] => [product] => IQOS ILUMA Prime Manchon [short_description] => [full_description] => <style> .link{ color:#0645AD; font-weight:700; } </style> Les manchons en silicone à texture dure protègent votre appareil des chocs et des rayures. Offerts en 4couleurs vives, ils sont parfaits pour être combinés avec les manchons et compléter la personnalisation de l’appareil. [price] => 17 [category_ids] => Array ( [0] => 1975 ) [position] => 0 [meta_keywords] => [meta_description] => Achetez le manchon en silicone IQOS ILUMA PRIME, la protection antidérapante de votre IQOS ILUMA PRIME. Disponible en 4 couleurs vives. [search_words] => [promo_text] => [supplier_id] => [seo_name] => iluma-prime-silicone-sleeve [seo_prefix] => [cpd_container_plp] => <p class="short-desc-plp">Exclusivement pour l’appareil IQOS ILUMA PRIME </p> [more_info] => [main_category] => 1975 [chain_ids] => [gatm_category_name] => ILUMA Prime Sleeve [gatm_product_name] => IQOS ILUMA Prime Sleeve [campaign] => [redeem_type] => [redeem_value] => [redeem_segments] => [is_free_product] => [extra] => Array ( [product_code] => DE000751.00 ) [product_notification_enabled] => N [image_pairs] => Array ( ) [main_pair] => Array ( [pair_id] => 24711 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 24695 [position] => 0 [lang_code] => fr [is_disclaimer_image] => N [publish_on_a_period] => N [publish_period_start_date] => 0 [publish_period_end_date] => 0 [image_video_src] => [detailed] => Array ( [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 1280 [image_y] => 1280 [http_image_path] => [absolute_path] => [relative_path] => detailed/24/Blue_cnur-q1.png ) ) [base_price] => 17 [selected_options] => Array ( [1264] => 7088 ) [product_options] => Array ( [1264] => Array ( [option_id] => 1264 [product_id] => 6360 [company_id] => 20 [option_type] => L [inventory] => Y [regexp] => [required] => Y [multiupload] => N [allowed_extensions] => [max_file_size] => 0 [missing_variants_handling] => M [status] => A [position] => 1234 [value] => 7088 [id_code] => [created_at] => 2023-09-01 16:25:51 [updated_at] => 2023-09-01 16:25:51 [option_name] => Color [option_text] => [description] => [inner_hint] => [incorrect_message] => [comment] => [variants] => Array ( [7088] => Array ( [variant_id] => 7088 [option_id] => 1264 [position] => 10 [modifier] => 0.000 [modifier_type] => A [weight_modifier] => 0.000 [weight_modifier_type] => A [hexadecimal_color] => #8dd0f1 [hide_price_modifier] => N [status] => A [hexadecimal_color_group_id] => 0 [variant_name] => Bleu Lac [image_pairs] => Array ( [24706] => Array ( [pair_id] => 24706 [image_id] => 24690 [detailed_id] => 0 [position] => 0 [lang_code] => fr [is_disclaimer_image] => N [publish_on_a_period] => N [publish_period_start_date] => 0 [publish_period_end_date] => 0 [image_video_src] => [icon] => Array ( [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 1280 [image_y] => 1280 [http_image_path] => [absolute_path] => [relative_path] => variant_image/24/Blue.png ) ) ) [stock] => In Stock [in_stock] => 1 [amount] => 50 ) [7089] => Array ( [variant_id] => 7089 [option_id] => 1264 [position] => 20 [modifier] => 0.000 [modifier_type] => A [weight_modifier] => 0.000 [weight_modifier_type] => A [hexadecimal_color] => #E46E6C [hide_price_modifier] => N [status] => A [hexadecimal_color_group_id] => 0 [variant_name] => Corail Brillant [image_pairs] => Array ( ) [stock] => In Stock [in_stock] => 1 [amount] => 50 ) [7090] => Array ( [variant_id] => 7090 [option_id] => 1264 [position] => 30 [modifier] => 0.000 [modifier_type] => A [weight_modifier] => 0.000 [weight_modifier_type] => A [hexadecimal_color] => #D8D02B [hide_price_modifier] => N [status] => A [hexadecimal_color_group_id] => 0 [variant_name] => Jaune Citron [image_pairs] => Array ( ) [stock] => In Stock [in_stock] => 1 [amount] => 50 ) [7091] => Array ( [variant_id] => 7091 [option_id] => 1264 [position] => 40 [modifier] => 0.000 [modifier_type] => A [weight_modifier] => 0.000 [weight_modifier_type] => A [hexadecimal_color] => #34303D [hide_price_modifier] => N [status] => A [hexadecimal_color_group_id] => 0 [variant_name] => Noir Obsidienne [image_pairs] => Array ( ) [stock] => In Stock [in_stock] => 1 [amount] => 50 ) ) [disabled] => ) ) [options_update] => 1 [first_selected] => 1 [changed_option] => 1264 [simultaneous] => Array ( [0] => 1264 ) [combination_hash] => 3017807706 [hide_stock_info] => [inventory_amount] => 50 [has_options] => 1 [base_modifier] => 17 [original_price] => 17 [modifiers_price] => 0 [discounts] => Array ( [A] => 0 [P] => 0 ) [qty_content] => Array ( ) [detailed_params] => Array ( [get_icon] => 1 [get_detailed] => 1 [get_additional] => 1 [get_options] => 1 [get_discounts] => 1 [get_features] => [get_extra] => [get_taxed_prices] => 1 [get_for_one_product] => [detailed_params] => 1 [features_display_on] => C [lang_code] => fr [get_fallback_image_pairs] => 1 [sort_options] => 1 [show_options_in_stock] => 1 ) [default_image] => Array ( [pair_id] => 24705 [image_id] => 0 [detailed_id] => 24689 [position] => 0 [lang_code] => fr [is_disclaimer_image] => N [publish_on_a_period] => N [publish_period_start_date] => 0 [publish_period_end_date] => 0 [image_video_src] => [detailed] => Array ( [image_path] => [alt] => [image_x] => 1280 [image_y] => 1280 [http_image_path] => [absolute_path] => [relative_path] => detailed/24/Blue.png ) ) [variant_name] => bleu lac [color_product] => Y [show_stock_message] => [stock_notification_message] => ) )