Tobacco enjoyment made amazing
What is IQOS?
IQOS is our innovative alternative to traditional smoking. Heat is at the heart of it all. Choosing to heat tobacco, rather than burn it, is what sets us apart from traditional cigarettes. Through heating we were able to release the true taste of real tobacco.
IQOS belongs to Philip Morris International (PMI), and in Canada it is being commercialized by the subsidiary known as Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Inc. (RBH). Being one of Canada's leading tobacco companies, our objective is to replace cigarettes with better alternatives. With the best scientists, investment of over 4.5 billion dollars and almost 10 years of design, science and technology has made IQOS what you know today. 8 million adult smokers have already stopped smoking and switched to IQOS.
*Source: Status at the end of June 2019. Exclusive Heat-Not-Burn users that are using HeatSticks for more than 70% of their past – 7 day consumption. PMI Financials or estimates, IQOS user panels and PMI Market.HOW IQOS WORKS
State of the art technology and pioneering science is the backbone of IQOS. Through IQOS HeatControl™ Technology we are able to heat tobacco up to 350°C, without burning it. The result? The true taste of tobacco - no flame, no smoke, no ash.
Changing the traditional smoking experience for the better is our priority. And the features of IQOS speak volumes - no fire, no smoke, no ash and less smell.

The new way to enjoy tobacco. Find your perfect flavour.
Robust and malty
Rich and warm
Balanced and woody
Balanced and roasted
Mild and zesty
Refined and toasted
New government regulations are here that require all tobacco and tobacco-related products to be packaged in standardized "Plain" green packaging with grey standardized font/text.
*Flavour availability differs by province.